Monday, March 4, 2013

Its so flipping quite...

Its so flipping quite..

Its crazy how quite the house can turn in minutes... It actually kinda creepy  and  be peaceful all at once, is that even possible .. Today was one of those days that you have to get so much done and there just isn't enough time in the day to day. I get to a point were sad to say I just don't want to do anything. I did have a flare up with my Fibro this afternoon and that didn't help me stay motivated but you just get to a point were you just don't want to do anything any more... No More Cleaning, working, nothing!! So me and the kiddos layed in my bed after dinner and sung some crazy songs and laughed till it was bed time.. My time was better spent that way then cleaning my lovely home, the mess is always there no matter what I do.

The funny part is after everyone is fast asleep. Including my love, he is passed out  next (he is a talker when he sleeps. You can have some interesting conversations with a sleeping man) to me while I am pondering what to do to fall asleep (another lovely blessing from my fibro, and I mean that sarcastically) "Pass me my Moon Drops, Please"... And what do I do until my moon drops kick in.  What I usually do,catch up on some of my shows on demand.. I am loving my new addiction (TV show addiction that is) Deception. It is sad but true I love my TV shows!!

Here is for hoping I can catch some dream time really soon...